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RUNSPIRATIONS is the book you
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want to keep nearby for daily running
motivation. It's full of short, inspirational
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Run Forever includes everything from Beginning Running to Marathon Training, but the emphasis is clearly on lifetime running for health, fitness, and happiness. Run Forever has 65 mini-chapters, each just 3 pages long. I organized the book this way so you can easily find and absorb the information you're looking for. $24.95.

pioneers of women's running. It has chapters on such well known stars as Roberta Gibb, Kathrine Switzer, Grete Waitz, and Joan Benoit Samuelson, but also on lesser-known, equally-deserving women runners who paved the way for today's worldwide acceptance of women in running. The book mainly covers the period from 1960 to 1984, when Samuelson won the first Olympic Marathon for women. But it also includes Oprah Winfrey, as I ran her marathon with her in 1994, and consider her an important part of women's running. $16.95

I wrote The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life a few years back, but it remains one of my most popular books, in part because it's available in a low-cost ($9.95) option. The book is a little difficult to describe. It consists mainly of short essays about experiences I have had in running, and how these experiences have taught me about essential human truths such as: winning, losing, friendships, the value of consistent effort, and so on. Readers tell me they find it easy to apply these stories to their own lives. $9.95